Monday, June 10, 2024

Summer Reading 2024 Week 1!

Summer Reading has offcially begun here at the Bremen Public Library! Week 1 has been off to a great start, with over 40 teens registered for Summer Reading. Already teens have participated in programs such as Paint Your Heart Out and Raingutter Regatta. This summer BPL has partnered with our local Boys & Girls Club to offer programs every Thursday for their teens. Our Teen Advisory Board (TAB) held their first Care Cabinet Drive and had over 100 items donated! For more information about the Care Cabinet click here. There is still plenty of time to register for Summer Reading program. For more information stop by the library! 

Friday, May 31, 2024

First Line Friday!

It's Friday! It's time for our featured First Line Friday book. First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for our YA readers. Each Friday we will post a NEW first line of one of the books from our YA collection! 

Here is your first line!

Once upon a time and ever since, a key turned in a rusted lock, and a woman stepped into a small and dismal cell. 

Check back next Friday for more First Line Friday picks!

If you liked this book. Try these titles!

Friday, May 24, 2024

First Line Friday!

It's Friday! It's time for our featured First Line Friday book. First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for our YA readers. Each Friday we will post a NEW first line of one of the books from our YA collection! 

Here is your first line!

Faron Vincent had been a liar for longer than she'd been a saint.

Check back next Friday for more First Line Friday picks!

If you liked this book. Try these titles!

Friday, May 17, 2024

First Line FRIDAY!


It's Friday! It's time for our featured First Line Friday book. First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for our YA readers. Each Friday we will post a NEW first line of one of the books from our YA collection! 

Here is your first line!

By the end of tonight, I will be Andy Keating's Girlfriend.

Check back next Friday for more First Line Friday picks!

If you liked this book. Try these titles!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Summer Reading 2024: Adventure Begins at Your Library

Summer Reading is just around the corner! We at the Bremen Public Library are excited to bring you many fun, and engaging, programs for all ages! The theme this year is “Adventure Begins at Your Library,” and libraries across the Nation are excited to plan adventures of all types for their communities. Follow all of the Bremen Public Library's social media, and blogs, for more information!

We can't wait for the Adventure to Begin at Your Library!


Friday, May 10, 2024

First Line FRIDAY!


It's Friday! It's time for our featured First Line Friday book. First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for our YA readers. Each Friday we will post a NEW first line of one of the books from our YA collection! 

Here is your first line!

On the morning of Decklee Cassel's funeral, I'm in the Employee lounge of Bob's Gas Station, losing a fight with the coffee machine for the second time that day.

Check back next Friday for more First Line Friday picks!

If you liked this book. Try these titles!

Friday, May 3, 2024

First Line FRIDAY!


It's Friday! It's time for our featured First Line Friday book. First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for our YA readers. Each Friday we will post a NEW first line of one of the books from our YA collection! 

Here is your first line!

From the beginning, I have made rules for my Monsters.

Check back next Friday for more First Line Friday picks!