Monday, February 13, 2017


You may be asking yourself, “Who is that moose in the YA department?” That would be Bullwinkle. Bullwinkle is sort of the unofficial mascot who serves as the greeter outside of my office. He’s rather new at the position, having only recently displaced Captain America (of the cardboard variety). It was time for a changing of the guard, so to speak, and I really liked the moxie displayed during our interview process. You didn’t think he got the job without an interview, did you?

Bullwinkle at his greeter post.

In any case, I’d like to officially welcome Bullwinkle on board and invite my young adult friends to stop by and visit him. While here, poke your head in and give me a holler. Perhaps we haven’t had the opportunity to chat before, and I thoroughly enjoy making new friends. YA programs and services are built on feedback and community input. Let me know what books you’d like to see in our collection, the types of events your friends have been clamoring for, or perhaps you’ve been mulling over volunteer participation. Even if it’s just to say “hey,” don’t be shy!

Oh, and if Bullwinkle happens to be absent, try not to be alarmed. These days he has a penchant for roaming the building. My assumption is that this is being done on his lunch hour. Otherwise, an open call for mascot interviews will soon be underway.

This musing brought to you by YA Librarian, Chris.

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