Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Flash Fiction Winners Part II

Congratulations to the winners of our Flash Fiction Challenge! Students in grades 6-12 were invited to complete the writing prompt, "It was a dark and stormy night when I found myself trapped in Bremen Public Library."

Mason Hale – 12th grade
Sara Boyer – 11th grade
Cody L.N. Fritz – 10th grade
Brylee Murphy – 10th grade
Isiah Sarille – 10th grade
Hanna DePoy – 9th grade
Emma Heller – 7th grade
Amanda Hohulin – 7th grade
Braden Unruh – 7th grade
Katie Wilson – 7th grade

Watch our blog in the days leading up to Halloween to read the winning stories. Today we are featuring stories by Isiah Sarille and Amanda Hohulin.

Stories appear as submitted by the authors, unedited.

Isiah Sarille, 10th grade

Catwoman of Halle Berry

Chapter 1
It was a dark and stormy night when I found myself trapped in Bremen Public Library. When I felt my head hurting, I felt the huge bump on my forehead, the bruise on my arm, and my right leg hurting. When I got up and onto my feet I realized I fell down the stairs and got knocked out. “Who knows how long I’ve been knocked out for…” I said to myself.

After bumping into a shelf of books, I heard something in the right corner of the back of the kid’s section in the library. I hid my face and plugged my ears. Something came running around me super super fast. “What was that?!” I yelled! “WHO ARE YOU!?” I screamed into every isle of books. I heard the “Swoosh!” again. This time right behind me with a breeze of cold air on my ankles. “I knew I should’ve wore pants today” I thought to myself. 

Chapter 2
I suddenly saw a flash of black ears. But, the ears were on a human. I then became so confused. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around super fast. I guess I just wasn’t fast enough…. because I didn’t see anyone behind me. After stumbling around for a while, I finally found the light switch and turned on the lights so I could see. Right as I turned on the lights BAM! Catwoman jumped out of nowhere and scared the living daylights out of me! She quickly grabbed me said “shhhh.. Isiah, I am here to help and save you. There are bad guys in the upstairs of the library, but we have to be quiet and find a way out of here together…are you willing to work with me?” 

Chapter 3
“Ye…ye…YES CATWOMAN!” I said babbling to her as I’m so surprised to see that Catwoman wants to save me! “Okay, well get rid of your googly eyes, and let’s go!” As we ran to the other side of the downstairs of the library, we got closer to the stairs to that would lead us upstairs where the bad men are at. We crept up the stairs and quietly heard one of the bad guys saying “Come on, Harley Quinn!” I turned my head around and saw that Harley Quinn was really there. She had a gun and a bat. She looked super dangerous with all of that equipment on her. I then saw Poison Ivy. She grabbed a stack of money and put it in her bag that hung off of her pale shoulder. I looked to my side and no longer saw Catwoman. “Catwoman, where did you go?” I tried to quietly whisper. “Shh Isiah!” quietly yelled from the other side of the counter near Harley and Poison.” 

Chapter 4
I almost thought I was going to faint. Catwoman then did the unbelievable. She pulled out her whip and snagged Harley Quinn’s ankle and pulled her across the floor as Poison Ivy turned around and was unsure of what to do…”keep stacking the money, or help Harley?” Poison Ivy thought to herself quickly. Harley suddenly started screaming at Poison Ivy “Help me! Catwoman is going to hurt me!” A flash of lightning struck the building and the lights went out for a half of a second, and the next thing I knew, Poison Ivy was gone with all the money. 

Chapter 5
Catwoman yelled over to me to go look for Poison Ivy while she ties up Harley Quinn. So there I went. Brave and fearless (actually, take out the brave part and the “less” part on fearless). After Catwoman tied up Harley Quinn, she went outside and climbed the side of the building and onto the roof. As she was looking for Poison Ivy, she heard a scream coming from the inside of the library. It was me. Catwoman raise her voice…”WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED?! WHERE IS HARLEY AT?!” “Harley untied herself and found me and tied me up…I think she left..” I said. “What? How? How does this happen? I wasn’t even gone for five minutes!!” yelled Catwoman. 

Chapter 6
Not even 10 minutes later Bane showed up with Harley Quinn on one side of his shoulder, and Poison Ivy on the other. “I got them” Bane said. “Let’s take them into the police” said Catwoman. “Good idea” I said. “Let’s all get on my motorcycle.” And so, we all did. As we pulled into the police station Black Canary came out and helped us bring them into the station. “Here’s the robbers of the Bremen Public Library!” I yelled into the police station. “We’ve got em” yelled Catwoman as she was giving us all high fives. 

Chapter 7
As we were leaving the Bremen Police Station fireworks were going off in the sky for all for us.. we saved the day. After the fireworks ended we walked out into the street and Batman showed up. He offered to take us out to The Batcave. Batman offered us cheesecake once we got to the Batcave. We all celebrated the victory over the bad guys. WE SAVED THE BREMEN PUBLIC LIBRARY! 

Amanda Hohulin, 7th grade

It was a dark and stormy night when I woke up to find myself trapped in the Bremen Public Library. I turned around, looking fastly around the room (I just knew it was the library because every Friday I would go after school and do my homework, and that smell was trapped in my nose for weeks). I don't remember anything about how I could’ve possibly got there in the first place, I don't even know the date. What I do remember was that I had a red sweater on, blue pants and shoes on. 

My hair was down, although I always prefer my hair in a bun or a ponytail. The lights were out and I felt someone holding my hand. I screamed, and ran away, until I fell. I knocked into a bookcase full of fiction books, I then saw one of the most scary things in the world. A man with a long cloak, long enough I didn't know how he didn't trip on the dang thing. I knew I should’ve screamed and ran away, but I was way to scared to move away from it. It leaned over and and put his hand over my mouth.

Part of me felt like it was all over and the other half, well I don't know about that, but what I do know is that all by itself my hand slowly moved towards my back. I knew what I was doing. My hand graded my new polyester bag with an emoji key chain that I've had for four in a half years. I pulled out my switch blade and held it still behind my back. Maybe there might be a chance it would let go of me. It felt like 20 whole minutes. 

I tried to bring the blade right at his arm, he looked at me with his red and blue eyes and stared right at the blade. I lifted my middle finger off of the lock and lifted my hand and quickly and it came back down like a jet. Yet the blade made no scratch on him or the cloke. He graded my hands and pulled me over a knocked pile of books.

I glanced over at anything that could help me, as i noticed a book i had previously checked out. The cover was all torn off of the book, but worse than when i had last checked the book out and gave it back this morning. I forget what it was called i think it was called something like^^^the past figures^^^as he pulled me into a dark room that he had just turn the lights on from. He pushed me on the ground, Then he started to take off the oversized cloak. It was a teenager with brown hair, a red shirt and a weird green color tone on his pants.

Some reason to me he seemed eerily familiar to me. Maybe this was a sick joke my friends pulled on me. When busy thinking what to do he leaned over me and smiled with two of his teeth sharpened. The smile i've seen before atho i cant remeber were. Right there i knew it had to be a vampire, As i swung the blade past his stomach he grabbed my hand and smacked me i knew if i did something like again that he would hurt me even worse.

He turned around and grasped a few books off of a blue and yellow shelf, i stood up slowly, looked at the door that was still half way open and ran and locked the door, ran as fast as my legs could carry me and hid under the back of the counter. When the book i checked out last week and just turned in this morning was on the floor.

As i reached for the book as it might calm me down, it started to glow a blue and purple color. My hand like lightning struck back at me. The book started to flip to a random page, as it came to a stop i leaned over it and as always looked at the pitcher first. I couldn't quite tell what it was. I went on to read as the sound of that vampire thing continued to bang on the door.

As it listed facts about this creacher. People started to call it the padfoot which was this thing that looked like a black dog with a lot of hair, people said if you were to see one that you would die immediately. It was able to form into different animals. and those who do see it should take it as a death omen, if they don’t die right then from the sight of it. most often taking the form of a black dog, it can also present itself as a demonic sheep with burning eyes, or a giant black donkey. Whatever form it takes, it can be known by the dreadful sound of the chains it drags along behind it.

As i finished reading the strange passage it started to glow again as i looked at it thinking it would flip to another page, when the picshore of the padfoot started to come right out of the book. Getting bigger and bigger. it finally stopped while i was busy scorching back it turned to me at this point i was afraid that it would start to chase me, oh guess what i was right. As it charged at me i started to run away again running so fast i was afraid that at any moment i could fall. i ran into a room and shut the door.

I knew it wouldn't be long until the padfoot sniffed out which room i was in, so i had to think of an idea fast. i took a shelf and flung all the books off the of it, Pulled the shelf down on the floor and began to set it up on the back of the door, thinking in should hold it down till i get an escape plan. As i saw in a prison anime before they used tables to get out. Ill spare you the details but the got out any ways and then they died. On second thought mayde that i shouldn't use that method.

So i grabbed onto my switchblade that i thought in my bag while running away to hide. I grabbed onto a stack of books and one by one i began to cut the books apart from one another. While thinking on my plan if i should go through with it or not i started to hear the pages of a  book flipping around. I knew at any moment that book would start to span weird mythical beasts out of nowhere. 

As i finished cutting the sharp corners off of the last book i heard the worst noise that almost made me scream, the sound of a witch’s laugh. Then out of nowhere I heard the witch speck “come here come here time to go bed,” that short sentence was enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life. As I stood up and then nailed down I began to dump out my bag all over the floor.

Replacing the original things i had in my bag with the corners of the books, about to leave the room i stopped and looked back, feeling like i had forgotten something. Luckily i had hesitated to open the door, why well let's just say i might have dropped the blade on the ground. HEY i see that look on your face, i was scared ok. anywho back to the story.

I picked it up and began to pull the book case on the other side of the room. as i twisted the doorknob to open the door i got ready to hurt anyone or more importantly anything that came close to me. It was absolutely quiet. I soon found my way into a cramped room. It was very hard to try to find a light switch, i gave up searching for a switch i sat down on the floor and began to cry. If I could i would have screamed but knowing that there were creepy things out there i just sat and waited.

All the sudden an arm reached around my stomach. As soon as i realised what was happening I went to run again when i realized where i was i opened my mouth about to yell. Whatever that thing was it took its wet and slimy hands and covered my mouth. As the thing in a sweet voice started to talk to me,”i'm gonna count to 3 and when i get there i'm going to remove my hand from over your  mouth, whatever you do don't say a word.”one, two, three.” as she lifted her hand off from me.

I don't know how but for some reason without seeing her face her voice sounded somewhat soothing. So as adventurous as i was i turned my hand away from my bag and graded her hand and yanked down. She fell on top of my lap as I sat there looking at her face she was so pretty, almost like a disney princess. All the sudden my eyes saw something so weird, “A TAIL”!! I shreked.

“Oh, this. Does it bother you.” she said as soon as i started to understand what was going on i said something without even thinking,”NO, I mean it's fine”. Oh and if you're thinking of a pony tail or possibly a animal tail, not at all sister. She was a full blown mermaid again hard to believe but it's all true. I wish this was a dream. 

Apparently she could see in the dark, curse as she scooched over to the other side of the closet she took her hand and flipped the light on. How in the world did a mermaid without any legs able to find a light and i couldn't. Well based on the stories that i've read it seemed to me that all merpeople were nice yay. But what if this mermaid is not a mermaid at all she could be a siren! Lots of people have fears but lesson this was different.

So she explained that the book was making some kind of monsters. And that she tried to put it away but as hard as she tried the book wouldn't shut. The book wouldn't let one of the creaers it had made close it. A human had to do something, and before there was way to much to handle. She also told me that the book was looking for things that would be considered evil, but as the book was picking one a sudden gust of wind flipped the page one more and that was a her.

The vampire was mad that the book had made a mermaid instead. So made that each time it would spun something new they would abuse her so this closet is where she hid. Before she finished the terrifying sound of dogs barking filled our minds. “OH NO there back” she screeched. As confused as i was i knew if i asked then it wouldn't be good. But for some odd reason i added anyway.

Then out of her own mouth the word Cerberus filled my mind all i heard were muffels of someone speaking. The only things i knew about them were that In Greek mythology a Cerberus is depicted as a dog with three ferocious heads and the tail of a snake and the claws of a lion. It was a wired three-headed dog that guarded the entrance of the Underworld, allowing the dead to enter but letting none out.

Like the Gorgons, Cerberus was so dreadful to behold it is said that any living mortal that looked upon him for trust was turned to stone. This meant he was spaned by the book too. She fed me up on more information about the terrifying creature. About to go out the the door i asked the mermaid “What's your name. “I don't have one”, she sutured.

So taking up on the easiest facts i knew on merpeople i came up with the name may. So on what i do when i name my old stuffed animals…. Will you stop judging me all the time please, when i was little i had an imaginary friend her name was may too. Then about three years old i came back home to find out that someone had kidnapped her. I know saddest story in the whole  wide world. So anyway, i told her what her new name would be.

She seemed to love the name. So before i decided to open the door and focus on closing the book i thought of how sad may would be going back to being into a simple picture on a page. My stomach felt sick i knew that before long i needed to eat. I cracked the door open and began to crawl out. I told may it would be too dangerous for her to come with me. As sad as she looked i knew she needed to stay.

Without looking back i could tell she was about to cry so before i started to tilt my eyes towards her i crawled underneath some of the chairs and tables when i found a bathroom, and what happens when you find a bathroom. So i carefully opened the door and shut it so after i finished i came out and started to head for the book. As i knocked into a weird fluffy stuffed animal. And i found out what it really was, yeah you guessed it was the cerberus.

And luckily he was sleeping. And in his arms was MAY!!! “May i told you to stay over there in the closet” i said softly.“ i know but i knotested the cerberus coming for you, so i began to sing and before i knew it he was using me for a pillow”. I started to luaf.“Thanks may.” may started to slip out of the paws of the cerberus. She pulled and pushed him into the bathroom. And then she started to crawl towards me.

Me and may became closer and closer to the book. may found some more of the weird characters and held them off for me till i could get close enough to the book that i could shut it. i graded at the corner of the book and pulled it under one of the  tables close to me i used all my muscles to try to close it. My Armstrong scarf would be strong enough to tie it closed. Finally i was able to seil down the book.

The book started to shake and it started to rip my scarf right off of it and i mean it when i say ripe. The book flipped to the table of contents. I graded the book and held it up to cerberus and”POP” just like that it was sucked right back in the book. I ran over by the door that the weird vampire thing was still trapped in i slid the book under the door and swung open the door and all on the floor was the book.I raced over to the padfoot that may was still holding off.And as quick as lightning it was sucked in, and as for the cerberus well i feel bad for the next person who opened to that page.

I turned around hoping to get a hug from may. but sadly i must have sucked up may in the book, she was gone. I wanted to say at least good bye and i knew i would never see her again. I sat down leaning against a shelf as cars started to line up outside. That was the least of my werys i ran opened the restroom door and hid inside i suddenly heard voices getting louder and louder, as soon as a herd other students start to talk i knew it was my chance to leave.

I came out and quietly went towards the door. before i knew it i was on my bike riding home luckily my parents were out for breakfast. I snuck upstairs and started to cry in my bed. “It's ok” a sweet voice say “MAY”. let me say there were a lot of tears in the process. Let me tell you i hope that you read this and don't ever open that book. Oh and hiding a mermaid in your room isn't as easy as you think.

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